Zelda Series is A Huge Selection
I have played all of the zelda games for nintendo 64, nintendo wii, super nintendo, and the nintendo. Unfortunately, I only played one of them from the gameboy. I own the Legend of Zelda, Legend of Zelda II, A Link To The Past, Ocarina of Time, Majora’s Mask, Zelda Four Swords game cube version, Link’s Awakening, Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword. Wow! That is a lot of games to have! Ya, I am just that good.
I will have to be honest with you. I have not won all of them, but I did get to the end of the games. I only beat Ocarina of Time, Majora’s Mask, Link’s Awakening, and a Link to the Past. If I beat the other games, I will let you know in the comments section below.
The only thing I can say though is if a person can not beat Majora’s Mask or A Link To The Past, then you need some serious help. Those games are so flippin’ easy, I can play them backwards. Yes, you heard me right, I play them in the opposite order, from toughest boss to weakest boss.
I also own the soundtracks for the games which can be bought via Amazon under MP3 Downloads. One of them is included as a separate cd with Skyward Sword.
Multiplayer Zelda
So I pretty much know a lot about Zelda as you can tell. The mentioned games are not all single player. If you want to play multiplayer, whip out The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures. Just remember you will need a gamecube and probably need a gameboy advance. The game is similar to A Link To The Past, but it can be played with up to four players and picking up items is done differently. Level up is done with various colored crystals.
If you need assitance with any of the games or just the games I have beaten, feel free to leave a comment below.
Your Fellow Zelda Fan