Open Zelda – What is it?

For Custom Adventures

I just want to point out this software I found. Now, I am not showing support for it, so do not interpret this blog wrong. It is basically a software for creating your own adventures similar to The Legend of Zelda. Some people do use it for the wrong purposes that Nintendo does not approve of, but it can be used for creating custom adventures that are in no way related to Nintendo.

Personally, I like the program. It can be kind of hard to use at first, but after you get a feel for creating scripts and character sheets, it pretty much starts to become point and click.

You also have to make sure you do not put the files in the wrong folders. Plus, if you do add content in your windows, make sure you add it to the folders while in the Open Zelda Quest Creator program otherwise you will notice that your pictures are not showing up.

Be Nice To Nintendo

Also, as a note I did categorize this as a third-party program as this software is in no way connected with Nintendo or its affiliates. Just make sure you use it for legal purposes or at least get permission from Nintendo to use for a zelda game – assuming you can get permission. I say that because Nintendo is near impossible to get a hold of and they state they do not approve requests by default.

Nintendo Monetizes Your YouTube Videos

I do want to mention something off topic before wrapping this post up. You are able to upload youtube files containing footage of Nintendo products, but they will monetize it out the wazoo. Basically, if you want to monetize it yourself and you are a for-profit group, just forget about it. If you want to do it for free, then knock yourself out because you will be getting more money for Nintendo and none for you.

As you may have noticed I have no pictures above relating to Nintendo. If anything, I will probably dress up in some zelda outfit and take a snapshot to get my blog pictures just to be on the safe side.

If you do want youtube videos of zelda, let me know but remember I will be pretty much paying Nintendo for the videos.

If you need assistance with anything related to Open Zelda or the zelda series itself, let me know.

Your Fellow Zelda Fan


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